
  • Substance Abuse Counseling

    Identify the effects of substance abuse in the individual’s life and the lives of their family

    Address the cause of the abuse and identify its effects on everyone involved

    Develop a plan for recovery

    Provide a safe place to heal and emotional support throughout the process

  • Parenting Classes

    Identify the problems and their root cause

    Address the cause of the problem

    Develop an understanding of the situation and identify ways the situation can be improved

    Provide education on ways to enhance parenting skills and techniques

  • Substance abuse Group

    Identify a plan of improvement

    Address education awareness on parenting techniques and skills

    Develop a safe space with people who have similar experiences and establish a supportive community

    Provide educational awareness on effective parenting

  • Drug & Alcohol Education

    Identify triggers to help aid long-term sobriety

    Address how to prepare for living beyond addiction of drugs and alcohol use

    Develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude to appreciate the benefits of healthy living

    Provide awareness to avoid risky situations and information to make healthy personal choices